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Your Trusted Ultrasound Services in Edmonton, AB

Milestones Diagnostics & Wellness offers state-of-the-art ultrasound services in Edmonton, AB, where we prioritize your health and well-being through cutting-edge imaging technologies. Our team of ultrasound specialists is dedicated to providing top-notch services for every stage of your journey, from early pregnancy to maternity ultrasounds.

Pregnancy Ultrasounds Tailored to Your Needs

Discover the joy of parenthood with our specialized pregnancy ultrasounds. At eight weeks pregnant, our expert technicians utilize advanced equipment to capture detailed images, ensuring a thorough examination and peace of mind during this crucial time.

Maternity Ultrasound Excellence

As you progress through your pregnancy, our maternity ultrasound services offer comprehensive insights into your baby's development. Our skilled professionals use the latest ultrasound technology to provide clear and accurate images, creating a memorable experience for expectant parents.

Надані медичні послуги

Regular Obstetrical Ultrasounds

Регулярне акушерське УЗД

DNA icon

Генетичне консультування щодо спадкових захворювань або оцінка ризику**

ultrasound icon

Спеціалізоване ультразвукове дослідження матері та плода від початку/першого триместру до кінця вагітності

Obstetrics Icons

Спостереження за благополуччям плода, включаючи біофізичний профіль (BPP), ультразвукове дослідження росту плода, повний доплер плода та матері та нестресовий тест (NST) на місці.


Персоналізована оцінка під час вагітності щодо генетичних розладів, прееклампсії, розвитку плода, аномалій розвитку плода, гестаційного діабету, передчасних пологів тощо.

A happy family smiling as they learned they are pregnant with a new baby after having a 3d ultrasound in Edmonton.

Є тисяча способів повернутися додому.


Advanced Ultrasound Imaging Center

At our ultrasound clinic, we pride ourselves on being a trusted imaging center equipped with cutting-edge tools for precise diagnostics. Our commitment to excellence extends to every aspect of our services, ensuring you receive the highest quality care.

Why Choose Our Ultrasound Services?

  • APersonalized Care: Our team understands each patient's unique needs and provides personalized attention and care throughout your ultrasound experience.

  • Experienced Technicians: Our highly trained and experienced ultrasound specialists ensure accurate and reliable results.

  • State-of-the-Art Equipment: We invest in the latest ultrasound technology, guaranteeing the best imaging quality for diagnostic accuracy.

Book Your Ultrasound Today

Trust your health to the experts for ultrasound services in Edmonton, AB. Whether you're seeking an 8-week pregnant ultrasound or any other ultrasound services, we are dedicated to delivering excellence in imaging and healthcare. Contact Milestones Diagnostics & Wellness to schedule your appointment and experience the highest standard of care for you and your growing family.

Оздоровчі послуги

Massage therapy

Massage therapy
Registered Massage Therapist

Clinical hypnotherapy

Clinical hypnotherapy & Neuro-linguistic Programming coaching



(And other holistic services)

Body Composition Analysis

Body Composition Analysis

Mindful Pose

Mindfulness coaching (small group and individual)

*Більшість медичних послуг покриває Провінційна служба охорони здоров’я Альберти / Потрібне направлення від основного постачальника медичних послуг

**деякі послуги можуть не застрахуватися державою та/або не покриватися третьою стороною – може стягуватися плата з власної кишені

Frequently Asked Questions

When are pregnancy ultrasounds typically performed?


Pregnancy ultrasounds are usually performed during the first trimester, around 6-8 weeks, and then again during the second trimester, around 18-22 weeks.


What types of ultrasound examinations can an ultrasound specialist perform?


An ultrasound specialist can perform various ultrasound examinations, including abdominal, pelvic, transvaginal, fetal, and vascular ultrasounds.


When is a maternity ultrasound typically performed?


It is generally performed during the second trimester, around 18-22 weeks of pregnancy. Your doctor may also recommend other times.


What are the common uses of ultrasound?

Ultrasound in pregnancy is utilized to evaluate fetal development, identify possible birth defects, monitor amniotic fluid levels, and assist in procedures such as amniocentesis, though its accuracy depends on equipment quality, sonographer expertise, and patient-specific factors. It's a non-invasive, safe imaging technique using sound waves that helps healthcare providers make informed decisions for prenatal care, despite its limitations in detecting certain conditions.


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